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Want to create an arts and crafts room for kids? What supplies should you avail?

Whether you are running a play school or want a dedicated place at your home to encourage your kid’s creative side, having arts and crafts supplies in the room is the primary part. If your kids show interest in creating crafts, introducing them to various art components is a great idea to foster their imagination and develop their motor skills. 

It requires you to be thorough and detailed about what art supplies collection should bring into creating that magical space that is safe and enjoyable for them. Read on to get inspiration about the must-have art and craft supplies in the room where the young artists can work on their inspirations. 

  • Set the room with some essential drawing and colouring supplies

The first step to creating an art haven for your kid is painting the room with inviting and vibrant colours. Make sure the space is well-lit with ample natural light and colourful decorations. It will stimulate their creative ability. In order to prepare a blueprint for their imagination, start by availing them of essential drawing and colouring supplies. 

Add kid-friendly furniture and adjustable tables for them according to their age and height so they can draw and colour easily. You can find a lot of drawing art supplies online. Choose a range of colours, from crayons to watercolours, with a variety of shades that allow them to explore their colourful imagination.

  • Invest in some safe and washable paints

It’s fun for kids to use finger painting and apply brush strokes on themselves. So, make sure the colours you buy are non-toxic and washable. The colours should not irritate their nose; even if some paint splatters on their eye or mouth, they don’t trigger any allergy. Consider buying acrylic and tempera paints to easily clean them up and use them in various art projects. 

Another major drawing component is a paintbrush. These paintbrushes are available in various shapes and sizes that allow kids to experiment with different painting techniques. As they practise with different brushes, they can create drawings with broad strokes to intricate details. 

  • Only purchase kids-friendly craft materials

There should not be any toxic materials, whether it is simple cardboard or colour that cause respiratory or skin allergies. Therefore, always opt for non-toxic, kids-friendly art supplies. It is recommended to be extra careful while shopping for art supply online

The first time you purchase, you can buy the supplies from physical stores. Note the brands and product details that you find safe to use and search them online to buy them next time. Be careful about the fact that the art materials you are buying are age-appropriate for your kids. The material should not be small or cause choking hazards. 

  • Introduce fun dimensional activities with modelling clay and dough game

Creating clay and play dough models can develop a kid’s sensory skills. They will engage in hands-on activities that support their motor skills. It is the first step for them to sculpt using impromptu play dough and clay materials. Kids can create endless shapes and figures to work on their imaginations. 

  • Bring stickers and decorative supplies with safe glue and scissors

There is a lot of cutting and sticking going on in the arts and crafts room. So your art and craft supplies should definitely include kid-friendly glues and scissors, along with stickers and decorative supplies. The glues should be non-toxic on the hand, and the scissors should not cut on their hands with sharp nooks. From clear stickers and kiss-cut stickers to die-cut stickers and washi tapes, you can let kids use their imagination to use them on paper crafts. Their sparkly finishes can add more excitement to their art projects. 

  • Inspire to create unique designs with drawing stencils and templates

You can consider ordering a pre-packaged craft kit for art supply online that includes the most frequently bought kids’ art and craft materials. It will save you a lot of time, and you can get themed supplies for specific art projects. One excellent item for encouraging your kid’s design and pattern interests is investing in drawing stencils. They will provide the cutouts for the base of a painting or inking on cardboard or drawing books. With so many templates available online, you can make this process both educational and fun. 

  • Buy some art aprons

Kids can get messy easily in the art room. But their clothes do not need to get dirty. So, let them practise doing crafts with art smocks or aprons on. This way, you won’t have much laundry to do and let them express art in more freedom. Moreover, get them pipe cleaners, pom-poms, and other quirky elements that are both tactile and fun to create some whimsical art forms. 

  • Provide the room with storage solutions for proper organisation

The most practical means of art and craft supplies are storage solutions. Unless your kids are sensible and are in the age of 6 to 8 years old, they will hardly keep the room tidy. Make sure to put some clear storage bins and dedicated craft shelves and drawers to easily put things into the organisation to make the room accessible. Kids will learn the value of organising as they grow with more interest in the art room. 

The Bottom Line:

It is a fun and exciting investment to create a full-fledged arts and crafts room for kids as it optimises their cognitive and creative development. Just setting up the art and craft room and filling up the art supplies is not enough. Since they are your kids and young in age, make sure to supervise them during their art sessions and guide their inspiration in the right direction without causing any safety hazards. 

Make sure the room is well-ventilated as they deal with paints and glues. When you meet the safety measures, bring the right crafting tools, and organise the space setup, your kid can explore, create, and give a face to their imagination. Find a diverse collection of essential art and craft supplies at Livingstone, from craft papers and paint brushes to pom pom and play dough. 

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